Attention Consultants, Speakers, Authors & Entrepreneurs:
If you’d like to increase your authority and prestige… raise your prices, secure speaking engagements and have instant credibility in the marketplace… You absolutely must know about this new bestselling book service that not only helps you write your book… but also makes you a bestselling Amazon Author… guaranteed!
Reveals Little Known Glitch Inside
Amazon’s Publishing System
That Allows Him To Make Anyone (Including You)

Dear Friend,
If you’ve ever thought about writing a book to promote you or your business… and not just any old book… but one that makes you a bestselling author… then this may be the most important letter you read today.
In the last 45 days I have managed to put 11… (yes 11)… books on the Amazon Bestseller list. And every single one was for a first time author. And, if we’re being frank… before we met many of those authors couldn’t write a letter to their Grandmother to save their lives.
And today I’d like to help YOU be the next Amazon Bestselling author.
You see… after publishing five #1 bestselling books of my own… and after having helped over 40 people do the same… I discovered a “glitch” I mean know how to create bestseller marketing campaigns… to strategically leverage the promotional tools that Amazon makes available to every author.
You Will Go From Blank Page To Fully Published and On The Bestseller List in 6 weeks or less…
Whether you want to be a bestselling author to become a well known influencer in your industry… or you simply want to increase your opportunities to speak… or you want a bestselling book purely for your own personal satisfaction…
With my service you’ll have a Bestseller on Amazon in almost time.
Of course, you have to qualify to get my expertise, experience and track record… and that experience is not cheap.
However … I personally guarantee that you’ll hit the Amazon Kindle Bestseller List.
NO ONE else anywhere makes that kind of promise.



And If You Already Have A Book That You Want To Turn Into A Bestseller…
We Do All The Marketing For You!
All you have to do is sit back and bask in the recognition, prestige and acknowledgement that comes from being a bestselling author!
And if you’re starting from a blank page… we promise that within just a few short weeks from now… (yes, weeks, not months or years!)… you could be enjoying “celebrity” status in your marketplace as the trusted, go-to-authority and influencer.
You Will Go From Blank Page To Fully Published and On The Bestseller List in 6 weeks or less…
If you’re reading this right now, odds are you probably knows that more electronic books (ebooks) are being sold today… than printed books.
And Amazon’s Kindle is the King of Ebooks.
Thanks to Jeff Bezos and… tens-of-thousands of people are creating their own bestsellers… all while avoiding the labyrinth of professional publishing.
That’s the beauty of Amazon. They have placed ultimate power in the hands of authors. You are in direct control of your message and story.
This means no more shopping (or begging) for a publisher.
No more working with editors who don’t understand your subject and disagree with you every step of the way.
No more long waits for editors or publishers to take action.
And no signing away your rights to products that come from your work.
Let’s face it… as a business owner or entrepreneur, having your own book will open a lot of doors for you professionally.
Instantly Increase Your Influence & Authority. You can finally stop selling yourself, as your book will do all the selling for you.
Be an Enticing Lead Generator To Get New Clients. No more long hours and hard work trying to prove yourself. The proof is already in your bestselling book.
Allow you to Confidently Raises Your Prices And Charge More Than Is Standard For Your Industry. People will pay you for your increased name appeal... even if you’re in a brutally competitive marketplace.
Help you Secure Speaking Engagements Where YOU Are The Trusted Expert. Finally... you can be the celebrity you have always wanted to be and deliver your message to standing ovations around the country… even the world.
Create Instant Credibility. The phrase “Bestselling Author” is more trusted than even the title of “Doctor”
(That’s a bold statement, I know. However, when Dr. Deepak Chopra appeared on a major prime time talk show... he was never acknowledged as the world famous doctor that he is.
Instead, every reference to him, including the titles under his name on screen, referred to him as “Bestselling Author”. It's THAT powerful.
The truth is… being a bestselling author can have a lot of perks.
However, most people are just too busy to write the message they have inside of them.. and chances are you may be too!
Yet, here’s the best part…
Yes, anyone. Including you.
That might be a little hard to believe, especially if you’re ever tried to write one.
Most people get stuck, frustrated or just plain lost. It becomes a burden to write, so they keep putting it off to “some day”.
I don’t know about you, but there are only seven days on my calendar and “someday”is not one of them.
Now, there are lots or reasons why people may put off writing their own book. (“Actively avoid” might be a better description.)
There’s the obvious reason: writing a book can be a lot of hard work!
Some of the other reasons people don’t write include:
I don’t know what to say, how to say it or where to start.
I’ve never been very good at writing and I’m afraid I’ll embarrass myself.
I just don’t have the time.
It will take years to write a book and I can’t commit to that long.
The thought of sitting in front of blank screen makes me want to fling myself off a high cliff into the sea.
Yet, Business people and Entrepreneurs just like you… who are successful and busy in their own right… are celebrating their book hitting Amazon bestseller lists.
And over the years it has become crystal clear to me… any business person can quickly and easily have their own best seller.
No doubt – having your own book can dramatically improve your profits. (It’s also an inexpensive way to build your brand. credibility and influence.)
You’ve probably seen many times that it’s not always the best business or product that wins… it’s the best marketed!
You see this all the time in Hollywood. Ever wonder why a not-great actor keeps getting work again and again?
It’s because they have an aggressive publicists (marketer) who knows how to sell them to producers.
Publicists know that it only takes one hit movie to make an actor’s career.
It’s the same for an Author.
It’s just takes one bestselling book to change everything.
And it’s the same thing in business..
A Bestselling Amazon Book
Can Be The Doorway To Transform Your Business Or Speaking Career
This happened recently with a client of mine.
She’s a successful Ivy League Educator who runs a brick-and-mortar tutoring agency. She wanted a book to hand out new clients as a way to build instant credibility with them.
We spent some time talking about her background and experience. Then I compiled, edited and formatted all the info into a Kindle book.
Next, we ran a small marketing campaign.
She was shocked when…

The response was immediate.
All of the sudden her phone started to ring with people clamoring to book her for a private consultation… at $200/hr!
She also was asked to do several interviews, including a prime radio show.
But just in case that might have been a fluke, I repeated the process with others.
Jack Collins had 18,956 downloads for his first book and 14,355 for his second book. He saw both books pop onto the top 20 Best Seller list on Amazon.

Month -to-date unit sales covering period 01/01/2014 to 02/01/2014

Another client had 14,447 downloads and saw his book reach #5 on the Amazon bestseller list... within 24 hours. His book was also listed under the “Hot New Releases.”

Thomas Harrington took a book that had been sitting on his hard drive for ten years. Within a week he had 15,768 downloads and was #33 in a very competitive genre.

What was the trick?
No “trick” at all actually.
It all comes down to my background
I’m a former Hollywood Screenwriter and Film Development Executive. (That’s just a fancy way to say I worked with other writers to develop ideas.)
My job was to create and to discover stories that had blockbuster potential. (The man I reported to is one of the most financially profitable producers in Hollywood history.)
I spent years learning what it takes to tell a compelling story.
I’ve read hundreds and hundreds of stories and have developed a knack for finding each stories “sweet spot”.
And now I do that with books.
Once I discover the sweet spot for YOUR book, my team and I then go out and study the competition in your marketplace.
Our job is to make sure that you stand out, so the research is a crucial part of the process.
From there we guide you through our proprietary process to getting your story, knowledge and experience out and onto the page.
It’s a process that most clients call “fun” and “the most excited I have been in years”.
We help you to structure everything in a way that will practically ensure that you are positioned as the credible expert in your marketplace or niche.
Finally… once we have your completed manuscript… we publish your book and launch a strategic marketing campaign to turn you into a bestselling author.
With nearly a dozen books written, published and reaching the bestseller list… my team and I have become exceptionally skilled.
This process completely eliminates the struggle and despair that comes from when you try to write a book on your own.
Now, of course I can’t guarantee that you will get results like those. Every book and every author is different.
However my results speak for themselves, so it is highly likely that you will have stellar results too.
That’s because every single book I have published has reached the Top 20 Amazon Bestseller list in at least one genre.
That’s a 100% track record for creating bestsellers.
Seize The Ultimate Advantage In
Your Market by Adding
“BestSelling Author”
To Your Resume
Stop wasting all of your time answering the same questions over and over again.
Stop having to “prove yourself” to new clients or customers.
Prospects will be clamoring to become your customer without any effort on your part.
Let your book do all the selling for you!
All right, since you’ve read this far, I’ll bet you want to know…
Exactly How We Help Take Your Existing Knowledge and Experience to Create a Powerful, Lead-Generating Book
The first step is to learn exactly what knowledge and experience you have in your market.We’ll dig deep into your history to get at the things you may think are “no big deal” but will, in fact, impress the pants off anyone who finds out about them.
Usually that can be found in things that are easily overlooked such as how you got started, or what was it that drew you into the line of work that you do.
Next, we will evaluate your current market.After our initial interview my team and I will go out and find your direct competition.
We’ll discover if they have a book of their own and, if so, what do the reviews say.
But we’ll go even deeper by learning about your customers.
We’ll determine the actual questions they are asking about your products and services. More importantly, we’ll get at the questions they should be asking.
Finally, we work with you to uncover where all the sales are taking place and what the steps are that are leading to those sales.
Because once you know those answers… the book will practically write itself.
In step three, we share a unique process… one that is used privately by A-List Celebrities, Movie Stars and World Leaders… That will help you go from blank page to finished draft in record speed.STEP FOUR - CUSTOM COVER CREATION AND GENRE PLACEMENT FOR YOU BOOK:
As your book completes the final stages of writing and editing, we create a custom cover.We also set up all of the Amazon accounts you will need in order to launch your initial marketing campaign.
We start with the low-hanging fruit - genres where your book won’t face much competition.
In the final stage, we carefully format your book to Amazon’s exacting standards so that its show up on the Kindle in a reader-friendly way. (If you mess this up, the readers will punish you with bad reviews.)STEP SIX - STRATEGIC MARKETING LAUNCH:
Next, we launch a strategic marketing campaign to maximize downloads during Amazon’s promotional window.We guarantee at least 10,000 digital downloads during this time.
The publishing mechanism to how this works will be explained in detail during our initial consultation call.
I wish I could tell you that we could help everyone become a bestselling author using our service.
But the reality is… it’s only appropriate for those who meet the following criteria:
CRITERIA #1 – For Business Owners and Select Non-Fiction Stories.
If you have ideas for the next Pulitzer Prize winner or the next great fiction book such as “The Da Vinci Code”… this isn’t for you.
We help business owners, service providers, and select motivational speakers take their knowledge and experience to create a best-selling Amazon Kindle Book. This is not about creating a lengthy novel, story or other work of fiction.
The whole point of this process is to build your credibility, influence and increase your chances for publicity and speaking engagements.
CRITERIA #2 -A Willingness to Spend Some Time On Your First Draft
You will need to spend 1-2 hours doing some “prep work”… and another 4-6 working on your draft. (And in case you’re wondering… YES… these can be spread out over multiple days. Unless you’re an obsessive type who just loves getting stuff done!)
While much of this process can actually be handed off to your assistant or team… if you’re not willing to invest a few hours of your own time, then this isn’t the service for you.
CRITERIA #3 – Serious Inquiries Only.
Listen, I only work with people who know there is value in being a “Bestselling Author.
People who are ready to take their career or business to the next level and are serious about making that happen.
You need to be able to make a small investment in the right marketing to get your book the kind of traction it needs to reach Best Seller.
If that’s you, read on.
Look, you’ve worked hard to get to where you are today.
Now, it’s time for you to be recognized for all the knowledge and experience you have earned.
It’s Your Turn to Be a
Bestselling Author
Imagine the pride you will feel telling your friends and family about your bestseller status. (Not to mention your colleagues and coworkers… who will be green with envy.)
Imagine no longer handing out business cards… you hand out a bestselling book instead!
Getting publicity and press becomes easier… because now you will be the trusted authority in your market.
Imagine when you are invited to speak as the resident expert… and you get introduced as “a bestselling author…
Here’s How to Get the Same Service Others Have Paid Up To $100,000 For…
Now, you could hire a ghostwriter to write your book for you.
You will only have to pay $40,000.. On the low end.
And that’s only if you work with someone new.
That’s right – someone who has NEVER written a book… let alone a best-selling book of their own.
A ghostwriter with experience will set you back at least $100,000. (Hillary Clinton paid over $500,000 each time to the writer for her last three books!)
Yet, even if you go the ghostwriter route… you have no guarantee that your book will ever be published!
Of course, if you do get published… your publisher will take a lion’s share of your profits. (New authors generally only get about 15 cents per book. Yes, CENTS!)
But with Amazon, you keep 100% of TOTAL profits!
You take dollars to the bank, not just the measly few pennies that a New York Publisher doles out.
PLUS, with a traditional publisher they will own the rights to any other books or products that you create.
When you use our Amazon Bestseller Service you are guaranteed to have a fully published Amazon book and at least 10,000 digital downloads.
Plus you retain 100% of your rights and remain 100% in control of your work.
The “Amazon Bestseller” Marketing Service
An Elite Done-For-You Marketing Service For Anyone Who Wants to Add “Bestselling Author” to their Resume.
And here’s the best part…
This is not a sales letter to pressure you into deciding whether our Amazon Bestseller Service is Right For You.
Frankly, if it’s going to take that kind of tactic to get you on board, it’s probably not right for you.
Instead, I’d prefer to hop on the phone with you for a 60-minute Strategic Consultation to Evaluate Your Options.
The cost for this no pressure, no-sales consultation is just $88.
During the consultation we’ll start by exploring what your book could be.
From there, I’ll also outline several strategies of how you can use your book… not only as a lead generator to get more clients… but also how you can use it to create blog posts, articles, social media campaigns and more.
In short, you get a full-blown business consulting call that, at the very least, will expand your mind to what is easily available to you… right now… to grow your business, your brand and your online presence.
Only then will we discuss what our options for working together are. We’ll even begin to outline your book right there on the call.
I think it’s a no brainer.
However, I do have to warn you: If we do choose to move forward it will require a substantial investment on your part.
Yet don’t worry… we have several financing options available and you can actually take us for a test drive for as little as $647.
That’s nowhere near the $40,000 dollar minimum it would cost you to get an entry level ghostwriter… who has never written a bestselling book of their own, to write your book for you.
And you would still have no guarantee of ever being published.
I’ve written Five bestselling books of my own and have help published nearly four dozen more.
PLUS – With our service you are guaranteed to have a fully published Amazon Book, 10,000 digital downloads AND… you retain 100% control and rights over everything we create on your behalf.
Now, it’s possible that the Amazon BestSeller System is NOT the right plan-of-action for you and your career…
But even if that’s the case… you’ll still get invaluable strategic advice on how to use your knowledge and experience to attract higher quality clients… as well as how to use your book to create unlimited leads for your business… for practically free.
I think you’ll agree that it’s worth investing $88 to find out how an Amazon Bestselling book might be leveraged in YOUR business.
(Why $88 instead of some nice round number? Because there are 88 keys on a piano and this consultation will be music to your ears! Cheesy, but definitely true!)
If you’ve come this far… I think you’ll agree that I’ve given you several good reasons to reserve your 60 Minute “Amazon Bestseller” consultation today.
Do yourself a favor…
Take advantage of this special introductory offer right now while it’s fresh on your mind.
Satisfaction 100% MONEY BACK

I personally guarantee that your book will hit the Top 100 Bestseller list on Amazon in at least one genre… or I will give all of your money back…
No other company dares to make that kind of promise!
It Starts with a 60 Minute $88 Strategy
Session to Review Your Unique Situation.
At the very least you get a full business consultation that will show you how you can immediately start getting more clients… grow your business… and increase your own personal brand and influence online.

After payment, you’ll be sent an email with a few questions
that will help us to prepare for our time together.
Your consultation will be scheduled within 7 business days.
I look forward to speaking with you soon.
All the Best,

Travis Cody
p.s. Yes, this REALLY is a guaranteed service. If you don’t make the Amazon BestSeller list you get all your money back.
p.p.s. We have several financing options that make this offer a no-brainer.
Schedule your consultation today!
Copyright Travis Cody 2024
Inspired Solutions, Inc.
1621 Central Ave. Cheyenne, WY 82001
Phone: (424) 234 - 8225
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