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97% of People Will Never Finish Their Book… Here's How to Guarantee YOU Are One of The 3% Who DOES!

I'm willing to guess that you've been "thinking about" writing a book for quite some time now… maybe even years.

And by now, you’ve probably heard a million opinions about how to write your book.

Yet, you're here… so chances are you're either stuck… or you're still searching for the best way to get started.


Getting Your Book Published And Out Into The World Is A Big Deal

That's why… over the last several years… I've had dozens of people pay me $6,500... or more... to work with them one-on-one to hold them accountable to get it done.

​They knew they deserved to turn their expertise into a book... and to have that book positioned in a way that gets them recognized as the influencer they know they are.

And after working 1-on-1 with 53 authors and counting... I've discovered the ONE roadblock that nearly every single person runs into.

​And that roadblock delays them from ever finishing… let alone publishing… the book they deserve to have.

I would like to help you avoid that roadblock at all costs.

You see…

Most Of Us Were Taught To Write In The Most Ineffective And Painful Way Possible

For most of us… our earliest experiences with writing come from grade school and high school. And they weren't great.

First off… we were forced to do it, which is never a fun way to learn anything.

Usually we were given tight deadlines to turn the work in… after which it was no longer accepted. Or worse… tossed directly into the trash.

Finally, when we did get our writing back… it was all marked up with red ink that highlighted all the ways we "did it wrong."

And then we wonder why we find it so difficult to write anything as adults!

NOW as I'm working directly, 1-on-1 with entrepreneurial authors, recently one of my bigger paying clients, kept getting stuck and we seemed to spend all our time talking about why...

One day, after calling me in tears while I listened to her story I had a big revelation:

All Her "Road-Blocks", "Excuses" and "Procrastinations" Were Actually Symptoms of The Same BIG Obstacle

I looked back through my notes from previous clients, and even coaching calls, and noticed the trend was still the same.

Each author had different “issues” and “challenges” they ran into… HOWEVER:

Their challenges were all caused by a single BIG flawed idea:
And for many of them… that "flawed idea" delayed the release of their book by months, even years.

Here's The Crippling, Book Release Delaying "Mind Virus" That Cost My Clients Millions:

"Writing a book requires you to sit down ALONE and think, then type, then think, and type again..."

I saw the pattern, and it's simple -

Today's world is so busy it's nearly impossible to find time to even think… let alone write.

How could you ever be expected to sit down and take 10 years, 20 years, even 30 years or more of "in the trenches" business knowledge and experience… and translate that into a book that people can use?

It was clear that in order for my clients to have the success they deserved…

We Needed To Find A Way To Remove That Roadblock Forever

And it needed to be SIMPLE.

In a complicated world… more complication just wasn't going to cut it.

Well, it took me three years... and two dozen clients who volunteered as "guinea pigs"... to perfect the process... then I finally got it.

And, oddly enough…

I Found The Answer…

In The World Of Fitness

I know… it's an odd comparison… so keep reading and I'll show you how it all ties together in just one minute…

If you think writing is complicated… look at the world of health and nutrition today.

There are 3 million different diets… each one "scientifically validated" to be the best.

And there are at least 762,368 exercise programs or routines you should try.

You could spend a lifetime studying nothing but fitness... and still never read them all.

And that is why the Fitness Bootcamp was created.

You don't have time to study, read and learn for five years...

You need to get healthy right now!

And with a bootcamp… you just have ONE job: show up every single day.

When you do… your instructor tells you what to do, when to do it and how long to do it for.

You don't have to even think about it.

You just go about the rest of your day and enjoy the end result.

That's when I realized… when it comes to going from blank page to fully published in six weeks of less… the exact same principles apply.

Introducing Your

Book Publishing Bootcamp:

The Fastest, Easiest Way to Destroy Any Roadblocks That Will Prevent You From Becoming a Bestselling Author…


You don't have the time to figure it all out on your own over the next 2 years, 3 years or 4 years or more...

You deserve to get your book done right now!

And let's be honest… in today's world of massive overwhelm… you don't need anything else to add to your growing pile of "stuff I'm behind on"...

You need clear, easy-to-follow, actionable steps that you can take every single day.

Even better… you need someone who will TELL YOU exactly what to do… so you don't even have to think about it.

You just take one step… go about your day… and enjoy the end result.

And when you have that… going from blank page to fully published is fun, fast and easy.

Here's how your Publishing Bootcamp works:

Every day you'll get an email... and an optional text if you want it... directly from me with ONE action step to take that day.

Most days you can complete the step in 30 minutes or less.
(A couple of days are longer than that… but most are less.)
That's it.

No videos to watch.

No lengthy PDF's or transcripts to read.

Nothing to think on.

Nothing to stress about or worry over.

Nothing to plan, percolate or strategize for.

Just Open The Email, Do The Step…

And You're Done For The Day

It's even structured so that you can hand off many of the daily steps to an assistant or your team… and they can complete most of it FOR you…

My friend… It doesn't get any simpler or easier than this.

I'll be honest… most people who go through the bootcamp don't feel like they're even doing much.

And that's the point!

That's where the magic happens.

When you follow the steps… on day 45 your manuscript is ready for its public debut.

And before you ask… YES… the steps will cover everything you need to know in order to go from blank page to fully published book, including:

  • Where to start on Day 1

  • ​​The exact outline that most New York Times Bestselling business books follow

  • ​The perfect "plug n' play" template

  • ​How to get the first draft of your book finished in record speed

  • ​The TOP task to focus on each day

  • ​How to work with editors to ensure your final draft is perfect

  • ​The secrets to an amazing interior layout that makes your book easy to read

  • ​Where to get the best book cover designs... cheap

  • ​How to get an ISBN number assigned to your book… for free

  • ​Easy to follow "just click here" instructions to publish your book on Amazon

  • ​How to publish both a print book… and an electronic book for Kindle and iBooks… on the same day

  • ​And so much more!

Everything you need to know is included in your daily steps.

The emails… and the sequence in which you get them… have been strategically created to deal with every roadblock that you will face along the way… and it will destroy them forever.

​And once you've gone through the bootcamp once… you can repeat the process over and over again until you reach that rare… and coveted... title as an Author of Multiple Bestselling Books.

This Training Has Never Been Made Public Before…

And It's Not For Sale Anywhere Else

Until recently, only my personal coaching clients had access to this bootcamp… and those coaching programs start at $6,500.

Because "When A Book Is A Gold Mine" hit #1 on the bestseller list... I knew it was time to sit down and make these principles available to a wider audience…

The Publishing Bootcamp is the evolution of everything you will learn in the book. It's the hard won, proven-in-the-real-world strategies born from years of trial and error.

And today… for a limited time… you can access the entire program for a single payment of just $197.

To get started, click the button below now.

It's your fastest... and easiest... path to finally finish and publish the book that you've had inside you all these years.

And today… right now… you get access to everything…

Isn't that worth the measly $197 you're investing today? After all... I'm practically holding you by the hand... and walking you step-by-step past any roadblock you may encounter…

giving you the exact blueprint to follow…

plus… providing you the exact daily actions to take…

AND these simple action steps can be completed in 20 minutes or less…

Better yet this simple tool is designed so you can hand-off many of these action items to SOMEONE ELSE! (Team, Partner, Spouse, Customer, Even someone on Fiverr)
And they can do a lot of the heavy lifting FOR you.

​Like I said... this training has never been released publicly before.

​And I'm only offering it to you BECAUSE you took the first step and got my book today.

This is your chance to get access to it at this insanely low price.

​Click the button below right now... and take advantage of this rare opportunity today.

​You are worthy of a book,

​Travis Cody

P.S. Think about this... today you’re getting the exact same bootcamp that my successful private clients have used to finish their books… more quickly and easily than they dreamed possible.

It's the easiest system anywhere on planet earth for going from blank page... to fully published book.

Every day you get an email.

Inside that email is a SINGLE step for you to take. Most days you'll be finished in 30 minutes or less.

By day 45… your book will be published.

(YES, many steps are NOT writing, they're stuff you do to get the book published, I explain IN detail where and how to go for cover graphics, printing, and even how to make your book available on platforms like amazon...)

Until now… this bootcamp has only been available to my private clients… all have paid at least $6,500 to learn this method and receive my personal help.

Today, you're getting it for the paltry sum of $197...


It's a competitive world out there.

You know this. I know this…

"Business as usual" went out the window years ago.

Today, you need an edge.

And the greatest edge you can have is to create your own bestselling book…

A book that promotes you as the expert and influencer that you already are.

Think of your book like a world class salesman.

One who is out in the world 24/7 building your credibility and your influence… all while also attracting highly qualified leads...

Leads who are pre-sold on working with you.

The great thing is... your book never sleeps… never takes breaks…
and never even asks for any time off!

Don't you think you could get at least one new client per month from having your own book?

What's one new client per month worth to you?

Surely their worth more than the small investment you're making today.

And speaking of small investments... consider this:
Today you're getting Your Book Publishing Boot Camp for just $197.

If you average that out over the course of the year, it's less than 54 cents per day.

You can't even buy a doughnut from Walmart for 54 cents.
So let me ask you bluntly:

Which is more important to you?

Part of a Walmart doughnut?


Having your own book that positions you as the credible expert and influencer that you are?

Listen, we both know this is a no brainer.

So click the button below now…

The one that says "Yes! Add This To My Order Today!"

And invest in this training today…

Thanks for reading all the way to the end! Well done you!

And thanks again for picking up my book. 🙂

I can wait to read YOURS soon.

Copyright Travis Cody 2021 - Inspired Solutions, Inc - 1621 Central Ave. Cheyenne WY 82001

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